About the rice

Buddha Ratana Natural Rice

Traditional variety of Kalanamak Rice

Buddha Ratana Rice is a gift from our mother nature to human kind. This quality of Rice shows how kind nature is. We don’t put any kind of fertilizer, organic or non organic, in our farming.This  paddy is irrigated with Himalayan Mountain glaciers’ River water which carries lots of medicinal value which make this Rice so aromatic and special. 

This Rice was meant for Rajas (King) Maharajas, and their Royal family members and was not available for common people. After the Maharaj’s era this Rice belonged to a British India company and  they used to send it to England for the Royal family.After independence this Rice was farmed by some of big landlords & farmers for their personal use only due to very low production as there is limited production. Even scientists tried and did experiments to grow the same crop in other parts of the country but no similar taste and medical benefit was found in the rice produced.

Farmers are also reluctant in producing this rice due to low yield and high cost involved to grow this highly natural rice. We do 100% Nature based products and there is limited production of this rice so we have limited edition and we farm once in a year and the farming process is very exclusive and different, we only  use natural water , soil health and sunlight to get the energy for our crop.We offer you Natural products only. Our product belongs to the people who believe in nature. Buddha Ratana Rice is a status symbol for nature lovers and it is a kind of wellness food supplement.

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